
October 25, 2021
Dear tourists, In accordance with the legal provisions, starting with the 25th of October 2021, the access in the touristic objective Turda Salt Mine will be possible only for those who can provide a valid certificate of vaccination – people who are vaccinated against the virus SARS – Cov – 2 and for whom 10 days...
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Dragi vizitatori,

cu ocazia sărbătorilor pascale, între 26 Aprilie - 12 Mai 2024, Salina Turda va fi deschisă zilnic, între orele 09.00 - 19.00, cu ultima intrare
în subteran la ora 18.00.
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Dear visitors,

during the Easter Holiday, between the 26th of April - 12 of May 2024, Turda Salt Mine will be open daily, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, with the last access
in the underground at 5.00 pm.
Looking forward to having you!